Wearing Amulets as Protection

“Amulets are believed to have the power to protect the wearer from harm and bring good fortune, but it is the faith and intention of the wearer that truly activates their power.”

~Avia Venefica

What is an Amulet?

An amulet is an object that is believed to possess magical or protective powers, and has been used by many cultures and religions throughout history. The use of amulets for protection dates back to ancient times, and continues to be practiced in many parts of the world today.

Why Wear an Amulet?

One of the most common reasons people use amulets is for protection against negative energies, evil spirits, and other harmful forces. Amulets can be made from a wide range of materials, such as stones, metals, wood, and even animal parts. They may also be engraved with symbols, prayers, or other sacred texts that are believed to offer protection.

Carrying that Connection with You

The belief in the power of amulets for protection is based on the idea that everything in the universe is connected and that all things have energy. By wearing an amulet, you can tap into this energy and use it to protect yourself from harm. The amulet serves as a physical reminder of the protection it provides.

Made with a healing intention

If you are considering using an amulet for protection, it is important to choose one that resonates with your beliefs and to use it with respect and intention. Here are some powerful amulets for your consideration.

Reasons to Wear Day of the Dead Skull Jewelry: Symbolism and Connections with Style

Reasons to Wear Day of the Dead Skull Jewelry: Symbolism and Connections with Style

Those we love never truly leave us. There are things that death cannot touch.

~Jack Thorne

Why Wear a Sugar Skull?

Wearing a Day of the Dead skull design on jewelry or clothing throughout the year can be a way to show appreciation for the vibrant cultural tradition and its rich symbolism. The Day of the Dead is not just a one-day event, but a cultural celebration that represents the cycle of life and death, the honoring of ancestors, and the appreciation of life’s beauty and impermanence.

Claiming your personal style

Wearing a Day of the Dead skull design can also be a way to express personal identity and style. Sugar skulls are often intricately decorated and colorful, and can add a bold and unique element to an outfit.

Skulls as a Connection to Your Ancestors

Additionally, the Day of the Dead has become increasingly popular as a cultural phenomenon, with many people around the world embracing the holiday’s unique and colorful aesthetic. These pieces allow you to reflect on the mysteries of life and death, and to celebrate the beauty of both. The symbolism of the Day of the Dead can be seen as an extension of the symbolism found in various spiritual practices, as both are rich with meaning and provide a pathway to deeper understanding and self-reflection.

Why Not?

Overall, wearing a Day of the Dead skull design throughout the year can be a way to express personal identity and style and connect with a global community of people who share an appreciation for the beauty and symbolism of the Day of the Dead. Below are some of my newest creations. Which one is screaming your name?

How to Find Your Personal Style

How to Find Your Personal Style

Style as a matter of attitude, attitude, attitude, but you have to possess individuality to have an attitude. You can’t be like everybody else and copy what everybody else is doing.

~Iris Apfel

5 ways to find your personal style

Think of a person who you immediately can say – “that person knows her style.” They know what they like and they put it together so well. How do they do it? Do you feel like you don’t have a personal style? I bet you do but didn’t realize it. Here are some tips on finding your personal style.

  1. Look to your own history: What did you like to wear as a child or teenager? What styles have you always been drawn to? Consider your own past fashion choices and see if there are any patterns or themes that can help define your personal style. What colors are you drawn to?
  2. Think about your lifestyle: Your personal style should be practical and suit your everyday needs. Consider your profession, hobbies, and other activities you participate in when determining what types of clothing and accessories will work best for you.
  3. Experiment with different styles: Don’t be afraid to try out different looks and see what feels comfortable and authentic to you. You may find that you enjoy a more classic, timeless look, or that you prefer something more edgy and contemporary.
  4. Take inspiration from others: It’s okay to look to others for inspiration, but be sure to put your own spin on things and make the style your own. Consider your own body type, skin tone, and other personal characteristics when adapting a look from someone else.
  5. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes: It’s natural to make fashion mistakes as you experiment with different styles. Don’t let this discourage you – instead, use it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Remember that personal style is an ongoing process and it’s okay to make changes and try new things as you go. Your jewelry choices can reflect your personal preferences.

What is Enamel?

“Confidence is not ‘they will like me’, confidence is ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t’”

~Christina Grimmie

I didn’t know!

I speak of enamels as if people know what they are. I’ll admit, the first time I saw one, I had no clue what it was. I just know that I fell in love with it. It’s what started my journey into jewelry making and enameling.

What is it?

Vitreous enamel, or porcelain enamel, or hot enamel is a type of glass fused to metal. It is applied to the surface of the metal and fired at approximately 1400 degrees F. This process is repeated several times to achieve the artist’s vision. Once it cools and hardens, the enamel creates a durable and corrosion-resistant barrier that protects the metal beneath it.

Why do you want it?

In the world of jewelry, vitreous enamel is a popular choice for adding color and design to metal pieces. It allows for a wide range of creativity and can add a unique, eye-catching element to any piece. It’s also a durable option, as the enamel is colorfast meaning it will not fade over time. So next time you’re admiring a beautiful piece of enameled jewelry, you’ll know the process and thought that went into creating it.

A New Twist on Traditional Gifts

A New Twist on Traditional Gifts

“When the fun goes out of dressing, you might as well be dead.”

~ Iris Apfel

Do you need different gift ideas?

Earrings – an easy gift and very much appreciated. What about a new twist, though? Rather than give gemstone (overdone) or silver or gold (everybody already has some), give something completely out of the ordinary.

Five reasons to gift enamel earrings:

  1. Enamel is colorful
  2. They are very lightweight
  3. They can be dramatic 
  4. There are many interesting shapes
  5. Every piece is original – one of a kind.

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