Ideas for Celebrating the Small Wins
Do You Celebrate Your Small Wins?
Do you acknowledge your own accomplishments? Have you noticed that you persevered through something that was difficult and came out okay? Remember that you’re worth celebrating?
“Celebrate your life, you are your own light.“
~ Lailah Gifty Akita

Celebrating the Early Milestones
Every little milestone that a baby reaches, there is often a little celebration. Parents cheer at first step, a first word, a first smile, a first year….
However, once those firsts are achieved, we begin to take things for granted and quit noticing the small accomplishments. We start depending on holidays to tell us when to celebrate.
Losing the Celebratory Feeling
I’m not really sure how it happened, but as our kids were growing up, we started celebrating anything and everything. We celebrated the end of a school year, finishing a hard test (the grade not being a factor), a store saying yes to carry my jewelry, and finishing hard training runs. These are just a few celebrations that I remember off the top of my head. Are you getting the picture?

Decide to Honor the Small Wins
At first, it was my idea to celebrate the accomplishment, but eventually the idea was integrated into everyone’s thinking. So, when something noteworthy would happen, the person would say, “I just did such and such” let’s celebrate! Then they would tell us all how they wanted to celebrate and we would!
Sharing the Tradition with Others
The other day my son’s girlfriend just finished her final and my son told her they needed to celebrate. She loved the concept but didn’t buy into it right away, but my son insisted that they do something special to acknowledge her hard work. They did and her achievement became even more special.
Toot that Horn Loudly
Evidently, it really is up to us to toot our own horns. If we don’t notice that we do well at something, who will? This mindset starts a search for the little things that can become big things. It brings gratitude into your heart.
What do you do to celebrate? Well that’s up to you? What do you love? What do you enjoy? What do you consider a treat? Nature? Coffee (in the sunshine at a boho shop – can you tell that’s one of mine?) A cool piece of jewelry? A trinket for your home? A plant for your garden commemorating the achievement? Can you see, it doesn’t have to be grandiose – just a yay! you did it!
Since I just planted this seed, how are you going to celebrate your next small win? You may even want to treat yourself with one of these pieces. Click on the image to claim one as yours